
Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Finally made it

Madeline and I finally made it to Australia. The flights totaled to 20 hours of flight time, but it is worth it. It is beautiful out. (Even though, the Aussies claim it's going to be the worst day we'll have.) As amazing as the country is I had to shower before I could explore the place.

Let me tell you, I have never wanted a shower more in my life. Now I feel refreshed, and ready to go. There isn't much I can say about the country. But the flights were interesting.

The flight from St. Louis to Chicago was nice. It was barely an hour if that.

Then I met my family for my layover in Chicago. I only saw my brothers for a moment; the dummies parked in a kiss and ride zone. But it was great to see everyone.

Today, Maddie, Liana, and I went shopping at the mall, toured here hometown, saw her high school, and bought alcohol. Which might I say is super expensive! $30 for a fifth of Smirnoff! (For those of you who don't know how much it is in America it's around $15.) I also brought an American past time game with me. That's right I brought the gift of beer pong down under. I can't wait to teach the Aussies (and Madeline) all the fun drinking games I've learned over the past year.

Tonight, we're having fish for dinner. Yes, I will be eating fish in Australia. I also plan to sample other meats native to the nation. I still haven't seen a kangaroo, but I'm not giving up hope. Sorry for all the random thoughts, but I'm starting to feel the effects of jetlag, but shhhh... Don't tell the Neri's. I refuse to let them know how jetlagged I truly am.

Cheers, mate.

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