
Sunday, January 8, 2012

The new resolution

Liana and Madeline at the MCG.
I'm sure everyone will be happy to know that Madeline and I talked and worked out the issue. It came down to I am an idiot who needs to talk about my feelings. This brings me to my new New Years resolution. It was to give up fast food, but I've thought of one that is even better. I am going to talk more about my feelings instead of keeping them inside and hoping they change. Yes, I think I am actually going to start acting like a girl. I'm not sure how this is going to go, but hopefully it ends well.

Other than that the day was pretty average. I ran and we watched Sex and the City, and then we went to cricket. Despite Diane's warnings, we accompanied Brad to watch the Stars and Renegades play. Unfortunately, it rained on us and the game was called. Or at least that's what I think happened. With cricket it is always hard to tell. 

On our way home from the MCG (as known as Liana's favorite place in Melbourne) we got pizza, and I don't know if it was just cause I was hungry or what, but it was some of the best pizza I've ever had. Even if there weren't any tomatoes.

After dinner and having a nice nature shower, we decided to get ready to go for another night on the town. By that I mean pulled our hair back, changed our outfits, and walked out the door. Yes we were looking hot.

Stars vs. Renegades cricket game.
We went to Toorak (I think that was the name), but it the line was way too long and the bouncers said they had never heard of me. Can you believe that? They don't know who Kara Brosio is! I have my own blog! That was joke if you didn't catch it.

I was okay with not going to Toorak; there were some very trashy Jersey Shore type girls there. Yes, they have them here in Australia too. Instead of being discouraged by the first club and the streets under construction Liana lead us to CQ, which could be my favorite club. This isn't just because of all the beautiful men there, but the atmosphere was great. It still was different from American club life, but it just felt good. And truth be told, I hadn't had a drink the whole night. Yes, I liked a club and I was 100% sober. Sadly, that also meant I don't have the energy to stay up past 1:00 AM. So we headed home, and went to bed. After all we had to get up early to get to Phillip Island, land of the penguins.

Cheers, mate.

1 comment:

  1. I am please that you and your friends got together and found common ground. Expressing one's self in a constructive way is so much better than hiding behind a false mask and then spilling out all over the place the sometimes false feeling that are built up. Even if the feeling are real and true holding them in can cause great harm when they snowball into this great mess of uncontrolled sobbing.

    Always address what you can when you can and the outcome should never be painful.

    Now that your journey is back on track, let sunshine (or rain) fall down on your head and enjoy the sites and sounds that are around you. Soon you will be home and this will all be but a great adventure.
